Saturday, December 7, 2013

We got caught! 16 days till Christmas!

Dean, did you and Mommy try to capture us last night? Because all of a sudden we saw the video camera on your chair and, well, it was flashing red!

Well, anyway... We did a bunch of cleaning from all the glitter we left behind yesterday! Thank you so much for hanging our stockings up by our Elf fireplace! They look lovely... And we feel so welcome in your home. We are so blessed to be with your family!

So, Saint Nicholas said that you went to visit him today, and that you brought him a special card to say thank you for doing so much work? Wow, that's pretty awesome! No one ever does that, they always just ask and ask for things. He really felt special!
Did he give you that magic spin top? You know we helped him make those !

We saw you and Daddy started decorating outside too! That's so Awesome!

Well, we are super taffy tired today, hope it's okay we pitched a tent and camped out for a little! You don't mind right?

Leo and Luke

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