Monday, December 23, 2013

One more day.... Feeling the blues

Hi Dean,

So, we really had such a wonderful time at your home. Your family is so kind and generous and we loved being able to watch you do crafts and do all these beautiful things for others.

We decided we would build you a special tree, although it doesn't look like the kind of tree you are used to, here at the North Pole, us elves make everything using candy, gumdrops,ice cream... Well... You get the idea.

So we decided to leave you and Elf tree. This way, you can always remember us and every year that we come back you can put out our tree, and our fire place and stockings, since we are part of your family!

Tonight is my last night here, Luke's too. Tomorrow, when Saint Nicholas comes to bring your toys, he collects all the elves as he arrives, so we won't be there on Christmas Day. But don't be sad. Just remember to write us. Check our blog we will be posting some fun things soon, We promise.

Well, enjoy your day before Christmas Eve! Help mommy with Dylan, and we will see you tomorrow!

Kisses and gumdrops,


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