Saturday, December 2, 2017

Happy 2nd Day of Advent!

It's already the 2nd day of Advent!

We saw Mom left a bag of marshmallows on the counter while she was cleaning, were those for us? Sorry if they weren't but, we Elves can not resist marshmallows!!

Today's scripture verse is very special:
"The angel said unto her...'Fear not Mary, for you have found favor with God," Luke 1:30

By any chance, is that green thing that Mommy talks on her phone? We keep seeing her leave it behind and we don't know why. I hope there isn't a video camera on there... 

I hear Daddy climbed the roof to hand up the 12 foot star he made? Wow. I can't believe he made his own "North Star". You are very lucky to have such a handy Dad... and Mom!

Well, continue to be kind to one another. Remember, Family means everything!

See you tomorrow!

Leo and Luke

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