Saturday, November 25, 2017

Well, we are back for the 2017 year, and we can not wait!
Dylan is such a big boy now, and we are trying to find your acts of kindness every day.

Dean, although yesterday you thought we weren't watching, when you boys snuck downstairs to see our North Pole breakfast, we noticed your act of kindness while walking up the stairs to wake Mommy and Daddy up.

You let Dylan walk in front of you, and when he tripped, straight away you asked if he was okay. That was so kind.

So, remember, December 1st starts the season of Advent. And if you are kind, and listen to Mom and Dad, you will have the best season ever.

Dylan, Santa almost didn't let Luke come back with me because you threw dirt into your brothers face. That was not nice at all. You have to learn to talk, and stay calm. Your feelings are very important and we want you to start workingthis week on being CALM. We know you can do it, and Mommy can help!

See you tomorrow! Don't forget to do Random Acts of Kindness, Listen to Mom and Dad, and be kind to one another!

Love and Sprinkles,
Luke and Leo

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